Aussie document & information collection for those still stuck on email

Getting documents and information from clients can be time-consuming, messy and a pain. Kaddim is a Painkiller
Collect Documents & Information from Clients with ease
Collect Documents & Information from Clients with ease

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Life without Kaddim

You waste time chasing and reminding clients
red cross
Going back and forth with clients when they don't provide the right info
red cross
Confusing and unprofessional client experience
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It’s hard to communicate about the specifics of requested content via email
red cross
Documents and information are spread across different platforms, making them hard to find
red cross
As a team, there is no central place to access all of the content for a client
red cross
Hard to stay on top of multiple content requests at once
red cross

Life with Kaddim

Automated smart reminders ensure clients provide all the documents and files you need on time
Review content and files from clients, and request revisions seamlessly
An Intuitive and easy experience for your clients and yourself
Easily discuss the details of each specific piece of content through one platform
With Kaddim, you know exactly where everything is
Share collected files and information with your team members easily
Stay organised by having an overview of all your requests in one place

Life without Kaddim

Life with Kaddim

You waste time chasing and reminding clients
red cross
Automated smart reminds ensures clients provide all the documents and files you need on time
Clients don’t get it right the first time, and you have to go back and forth.
red cross
Review content and files from clients and request revisions seamlessly
Confusing and unprofessional client experience
red cross
An Intuitive and easy experience for your clients and you
It’s hard to communicate about the specifics of requested content via email
red cross
Easily discuss the details of each specific piece of content in one platform
Documents and information get lost or are hard to find because they’re spread across different platforms
red cross
No more searching through email threads and multiple applications, with Kaddim you know exactly where everything is.
As a team there is no central place to access all of the content for a client project
red cross
Stay organised by having an overview of all your requests in one place
Hard to stay on top of multiple content requests at once
red cross
Share collected files and information with your team members
See for yourself!
No credit card required
14 day free trial
Your privacy & security is our top priority

Your privacy & security is our top priority

Security experts have independently audited our platform
Your data is encrypted and transferred using secure protocols
You have full control over your data, and it's only shared with you

Collect your first set of documents in 2 minutes, guaranteed!


Add Client

Fill out the name and contact details of your client


Request Information and

Request the information and documents you require along with any special instructions. You can even share files with clients


Let Kaddim do the rest

Hit send, and Kaddim will email and message your client and take care of the rest